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What is a meaningful name Color Palette

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(Edit: They have since changed the wording of their rules, and no longer demand a "meaningful name" without further context & firmly stating that violating it is a bannable offense. But I'm keeping this up cause I still feel like it's deserved.) Requiring meaningful names is...entirely subjective. Why can I be banned for not having a meaningful name? Why can't I just make private color pallets for myself, why does it have to be some stick up ur bum & nose in the air thing? I'm just here for the ease of use, not to act like making a 5 color palette is something significant or worthy of deep pondering. I do understand that it's most likely to avoid offensive content but....just say that. And maybe just let me have private posts? That way I can keyboard smash all I want because I'm here to make palettes not interact with anyone? It's honestly...kinda *ed up. I legitimately can not come up with a meaningful name for every color pallet I make. My brain is full of other junk so there's no room for that man! I genuinely can't. And like I said earlier, a "meaningful" name is an entirely subjective thing! I personally don't even think you can have a meaningful name for a color palette, that's just straight silly. They could just say "no offensive names" but instead they phrase it so...stupidly lol.

Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#dfb9ff (223,185,255)
#b1f4ff (177,244,255)
#ccff9b (204,255,155)
#fb5959 (251,89,89)
#ffd07d (255,208,125)

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15 Nov 2022, 22:49 probablymoons

im not sure there is deeper philosophical intention behind that statement, just an attempt at making a functional website Keyboard smashes cant really be distinguished from spam, which would give the moderators a harder time. i like to think of alliterations while i make mine, or use segments of whatever quotes lyrics i can think of !

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