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Pastel Colors Color Palette

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Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#1b85b8 (27,133,184)
#5a5255 (90,82,85)
#559e83 (85,158,131)
#ae5a41 (174,90,65)
#c3cb71 (195,203,113)

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10 May 2021, 0:47 lychenn

the fact that these arent even pastel

18 Feb 2021, 15:11 Zacapea

These aren't pastel colours, they are normal colours. Pastel colours get tinted in white.

9 May 2019, 18:16 PogKek

nevermind. second palette

9 May 2019, 18:02 PogKek

first ever pallete

3 Nov 2018, 17:15 queen555

You forgot pink! :(

20 Oct 2018, 17:25 lonelymoonlight

hey colorhex get your colors right

11 Jan 2017, 23:33 COLORSleepy

This isn't pastel. Pastels are colors tinted in white.

29 Sep 2016, 12:11 bigbaby

these aren't pastels, buddy :~(

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