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off white Color Palette

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Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#fffff2 (255,255,242)
#f9f9f9 (249,249,249)
#fffff4 (255,255,244)
#fbf7f5 (251,247,245)
#f9f1f1 (249,241,241)

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14 Apr 2022, 15:03 magia

.. cuando te aburres

21 Feb 2022, 15:32 colorpallets

if you look close enough, it a rainbow

3 Oct 2021, 18:44 Zacapea

You can see 1 3 is yellow, 2 is grey, 4 5 purplepink.

15 Nov 2019, 16:57 honestabe

The first and third colors don't seem that diferent

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