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Web-Safe shades of Pink Color Palette

13 Favorites   2 Comments
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8th one in the series. Be sure to check out the others!

Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#ffffff (255,255,255)
#ffcccc (255,204,204)
#cc9999 (204,153,153)
#996666 (153,102,102)
#663333 (102,51,51)

PNG Image of Web-Safe shades of Pink Color Palette

Web-Safe shades of Pink color palette Download Color Palette

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12 Mar 2023, 8:04 Zacapea

ff99cc, cc66cc and cc99cc are pink

11 Sep 2014, 15:20 NutikTehWolf

Comment on what Web-Safe list you want me to do next!

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