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Dark Skin Tones Color Palette

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Skin tones for dark-skinned characters.

Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#9c7248 (156,114,72)
#926a2d (146,106,45)
#876127 (135,97,39)
#7c501a (124,80,26)
#6f4f1d (111,79,29)

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27 Jan 2023, 15:59 artfreak

its for artists and developers not for u political *s

7 Dec 2019, 3:03 Kisekaebuilder147

This was helpful for making a black anime character on kisekae

7 Dec 2019, 0:57 kjonbz

Not racist is all. Its why the makeup companies get in trouble for not matching or even acknowledging the complexities and brown and down skin. We're not all pink and white ....

5 Mar 2019, 16:02 zayzers

This is a very good palette, I like it a lot and is very useful!

5 Mar 2019, 16:01 zayzers

@sparklebeast how? coming from a dark skinned woman, I personally don't find it racist myself. Maybe it if they were all jet black, sure but it's not. It's different shades of browns, from a medium one to a very dark one. I'm sure this person is simply trying to be helpful to people drawing dark skin characters in artwork and as skin tones come in many different shades not even limited to this palette. Many people come to this website just for help on getting exact colors they want in artwork like myself, so don't go around stating something is "racist" when it's not.

7 Jan 2019, 3:51 SparkleBeast

it's a little racist...

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