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Bootstrap Colors Color Palette

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Colors in Palette

Color Hex RGB
#d9534f (217,83,79)
#f9f9f9 (249,249,249)
#5bc0de (91,192,222)
#5cb85c (92,184,92)
#428bca (66,139,202)

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18 Oct 2018, 20:57 jbreslow

This site uses Bootstrap, what happened to Warning (Orange)? hehe Also, there are two colors, the default color and one for hover. Can this page be updated? I have it bookmarked, as well as the site, it's very handy. Thank you.

18 Oct 2018, 13:11 personguyman

@DarcyN neither have i

30 Aug 2018, 3:47 indrawahid

Nice color!

15 Mar 2018, 2:55 DarcyN

Never seen bootspraps like this

10 Feb 2017, 8:58 MastaHF

Awersome, thanks!

5 Feb 2017, 20:55 Chesswithsean

Very nice

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